Who is Nisi?

Nisi is an abbreviation of the name Dionysios, a Greek mythological god associated with some of life’s greatest pleasures. Thought to play an important role in divine ecstasy through resonance, Dionysios fuelled humanity through song, dance and self expression.

NISICO reflects the deity of self expression and creates tangible representations of human connection in every piece of jewellery.

Dionysios Tsinonis or Nisi, is the founder and craftsman of NISICO jewellery. He fostered his love for human connection and individualism through adornment, whilst studying design at UNSW Art and Design (Eora). Nisi strives to tell your story through unique hand made pieces, be it tales of love and kinship or personal triumph and expression. In pursuit of sustainability Nisi also aims to upholster the the history of your own family treasures through adaptive and transformative repair, by remaking or restoring your old family heirlooms, using the same materials and stones.

Visit the gallery section to see other peoples stories and unique transformative repairs, or get in contact to tell us your story.

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